Xhorse VVDI Key Tool remote remote generator new test report: Cloning VW Jetta mk6 2013 ID48 transponder success.
Download Bluetooth APP on Android playstore and register, follow guide here:
Download, Register and Install VVDI Key Tool Bluetooth App
VVDI Copy 48 Transponder (96 bit)
Insert original key into left coil to read key data
Connect VVDI Key Tool and phone via Bluetooth
Select Transponder Clone on VVDI Key Tool app menu
ID48 data acquisition
Put VVDI Key Tool antenna close to ignition switch or coil detention area
Sniff data
If original key is not smart key, insert the original key, turn on ignition switch, then turn off, pull out the original key, repeat above procedure until sniff data completed.
If original key is smart key, take out the batter of original key, then put original key close to coil detection area and light up cluster turn off the ignition switch, move away the original key, repeat above procedure until completed.
Data acquisition success
Put the original key into the VVDI Key Tool left detection coil, to verify the original key
Read ID48 key data sucess
Then put the new ID48 chip, press Write button to write chip
ID48 chip copy success.
Sync transponder key
New key works great.