VVDI MB Tool W164 Gateway adapter and ESL/ELV Test cables for W204 W212 W221 W164 W166 W205 W222 to get EIS data. Can work with VVDI MB BGA Tool.
CLASSE A B W169 K Line Read and Write
W202 W208 W210 KLine Read and Write
The switch is used to exchange CPU1 and CPU2 function
W203 KLine Read and Write
W203 W211 W219 W209 W906 W639 KLine Read and Write
W202 W208 W210 KLine Read and Write
W209 W211 CAN Line Read and Write
W209 W211 require gateway emulator or gateway harness adapter in order to read and write data
The Gateway harness adapter work with commom cable can be replaced by VVDI 146 .209 .211 ESL/ELV test lines, and can read EIS data directly ( require VVDI Gateway emulator)
W169 CAN Line Read and Write
W220 W210 W230 K Line Read and Write
W639-2009 CAN Line Read and Write CPU 0L01Y
203 639 K Line Read and Write 1L02M 2J74Y 4J74Y etc
W906 CAN Line Read and Write
CAN Line Read and Write Support all above gateways