How to: program Mercedes Benz W220 (OD69J) all keys lost using VVDI MB Tool and Orange 5 programmer.
Step 1: Read EZS data with Orange 5
Desolder OD69J chip from W220 EZS with heat gun
Solder OD69J chip to Orange5’s QFP64 adapter
Solder adapter to Orange 5
Read OD69J EZS data and save it
Step 2: Program W220 key with VVDI MB
Select EIS tool->Load EIS data
Load EZS data read by Orange5
Display key information
Select Prepare Key File
Load EIS file
Show key info
Untick v041 and v011, select Prepare Key File
Server calculating
Completed. Save key file.
Insert key into IR
Select Read Write Key->Identification key
Then Load key file
Write Key
VVDI MB BGA Tool Write W220 key success
Identify key information again.
Test the new key.
Working no issue.