Forget Xhorse Condor/Dolphin Lock Screen Password Solution

What to do if forget the lock screen password for Xhorse Condor Mini Plus/Condor II or Dolphin II key cutting machine?

Xhorse Condor Forget Screen Lock Password 1

There are several solutions:

1. The default passwords for the xhorse Condor key cutting machine include 000000, 111111, and 123456. Try them one by one.


2. If not working, connect xhorse condor/dolphin with laptop. Run Xhorse Upgrade Kit – recognize the device – “Repair” in the upper-right corner – repair internal errors 1-2 – clear all (step3 for about 3 times) – click “Upgrade” after 3 times of success. Then start key cutting machine.


3. If it is Dolphin XP005L, in Xhorse App, go to Device Info->Start password-> Close password.

If you forget password, uninstall APP then install again.

Turn Off Xhorse Condor Screen Lock Password 1Turn Off Xhorse Condor Screen Lock Password 2Turn Off Xhorse Condor Screen Lock Password 3

You can enter password to turn off the key cutting machine password.

Turn Off Xhorse Condor Screen Lock Password 4