User review:
Saved by xhorse universal remote again.
It is a 2017 Ford Explorer. 902mhz. FCC ID: M3N-A2C31243300
Using 902 Xhorse XM38 smart key.
Generate with xhorse and program by Autel IM508.
There is a way to change button configuration. Hot function has menu for button config.
I changed the Panic for Remote Start on my Explorer. You should stock those. Every popular.
This one was Xhorse XM38 smart key. Autel also has Ford style 902 smart key.
The difference is that Xhorse single remote can do 315mhz/902mhz. On Autel they are separate remotes. The L (315/433 MHz) and the H (868/902 MHz) versions.
Autels catalog is pretty limited, so less entries means less mistakes too. On the other hand, Xhorse only needs you to stock less keys, has a bigger coverage, and you have a feedback section where you read other users success/failures and any additional information they share.