Xhorse Company is famous for its super quality OBD tools, such as VVDI, BMW Multi Tool, Condor XC-mini key cutting machine etc. VVDI-Prog is built with high quality PCB circuit board as well.

VVDI Prog advantages:
- 35080, 080D0, 160D0, erase quickly,erase Can be done in 10 s.
- While reading MC9S12 series Chips, VVDIProg is more stable than XP Prog.
- While attacking MC9S12 series Chips, VVDIProg is faster.
- While reading some EEPROM Chips, Orange arenot able to recognize Chips.
- Spared voltage attack function can beused when needed.
- Spared CAN Cable, K-Line Cables Can beused when needed.
PCB circuit board comparison:
VVDI-PROG vs. Orange 5
VVDI Prog has STarm, hardware is complicated.
LPT port used for ICP, not for linking with pc
Software does not need activation.
VVDI programmer connection lines
VVDI-prog functions & descriptions
VVDI-PROG & other ECU programmer (xprog-m, R270, Orange etc) comparison
VVDI Pro programmer Parts List