Guide: How to program smart remote on a BMW 730Li E66 year with Xhorse VVDI2 key programmer.
BMW 730Li E66 year 2007 with CAS1 immo system with key slot
Have 1 working 3-button key, need to add another smart remote key
Procedure with VVDI2 BMW:
Connect VVDI2 with vehicle and laptop
Insert original remote into key slot and turn ignition on
Open software VVDI2 Quick Start
Open BMW software
Press Connect button
VVDI2 identified vehicle information: BMW CAS1 315MHz key No 4
Select first option: Add key: add key you should insert working key before continue next
Take away dealer key from ignition witch before press OK
If keyless remote should bring outside car
Connect to CAS
There are 4 keys in system
Save key into file
select unused key position and Prepare dealer key with programmer
Put new key into VVDI2 programmer
Is the new key have keyless, if have press YES, otherwise NO
Key make okay and locked. Please use it start the car.
If cannot start engine. Use Add key function add the dealer key to CAS system.
If key can start engine, but keyless not working, pleas use “Repair Keyless key” function
Now key already programmed try to start
Try to synchronize then start.