VVDI Key Tool Convert Opel Corsa PCF7935 Transponder to ID40

How to convert Opel Corsa transponder  from PCF7935 to ID40 using Xhorse VVDI KEY TOOL remote maker.

Turn on VVDI Key Tool

Select Generate Transponder ->Europe->Opel->Corsa->ID40

vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-1 vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-2 vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-3 vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-4 vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-5

Insert Corsa PCF7935 transponder chip into the left coil of vvdi key tool

Recognize transponder type:7930, 7931, 7935

Opel Corsa ID40 1998-2006

vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-6 vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-7

Select Transponder Clone on main function menu

Insert chip into the left coil of vvdi key tool

vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-8 vvdi-key-tool-opel-pcf7935-9

Covert from 7935 to 40 success.
