Tutorial: How to replace/change the spindle motor belt for Xhorse Dolphin XP005 key cutting machine.
We are going to show how to replace the motor belt in your Dolphin XP005. Make sure that your purchase the right motor belt.
Remove our handle, and remove screw on the other side.
Make sure you get all your pieces out.
Then unscrew these 4 screws from the left side.
Remove these two screws in the back.
Remove these 4 screws from the right side.
Remove the two screws in the front.
Remove the screw on the right up top of dolphin xp005.
Take another allen, insert it to the hole there or do this.
Once you turn to the right to loosen, once you loosen it you can just unthread that.
Now that you have all the screws and bolts out of there, you can remove the case.
You need to be very careful with these cords in there.
The first cord that you are gonna have to remove is for the power switch.
We need to remove that, it is the only other thing that attaches to that casing.
The next thing we are going to have to disconnect is to find the LED.
The LED is connected to the lights in the front here.
Finally, we need to disconnect the display.
We need to remove two Philips head screws.
I would suggest taking a colored Sharpie and just marking the thread so you know exactly where it needs to go.
We are gonna take out flat head and turn it to the right, keep turning until we can remove our plate.
Once we have that off we can clearly see what happened.
We got a new belt, threw it around, just like so and now that milling cutter should rotate.
Then put the plate back on.
Take our flat head to lock that back in place. Now turn it to the left.
Then reinstall all connectors and screws.
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