Will VVDI MB renew original keys for reuse? and how

As titled, possible to renew original keys for reuse with VVDI MB BGA Tool key programmer? and how?



If it is nec key,  YES
if BGA key, will not.

lot of tools do it renew
vvdi mb bga,ak500, cgdi mb…



How many types of Mercedes NEC key?

v51 v57

v28 v35 v40 v51 v57

v03 v06 v07 v08 v09 v61

v28 v35 v40 v51 v57

v03 v05 v06 v07 v08 v09 v59 v61


Here’s the guide on renewing NEC 57 key with VVDI MB Tool.

Put the NEC57 key chip on VVDI NEC Key Adapter


Put NEC Key Adapter on VVDI MB

Connect VVDI MB Tool with laptop and open latest VVDI MB software.

Now you can start to virgin Mercedes NEC57!

Select mode “NEC Adapter” then choose type “V51, V57”.


“Identification key”

VVDI MB will read NEC V57 key info successfully!

Key number is 1.


“Renew” to virgin NEC V57 key.

Wait a while key erasing complete 100% and success!


“Identification key” again and read key info to check if key is successfully erased.

And you can see now key information is blank and things done!


