How to read immo data from a Volkswagen Polo of cluster using the Xhorse VVDI PROG + MQB48 Solder Free Adapter? Initially, I’ve met an “Try Frequency failed(00)” error that prevented successful data extraction. But after some troubleshooting, I was able to identify and fix the issue.
The following are the procedure:
Open the VVDI PROG software,
Follow the diagram to install MQB board & the XDNP79 solder-free adapter, then connect to VVDI PROG and 12 volts power.
Click “Read”.
Unfortunately, we have an error here.
It says:”Try Frequency failed(00)”.
It took me long time with so many hours to find the solution for the error.
And now it’s very easy.
Just take a separate wire to connect the VVDI PROG for 3.3 volts and clamp FLMDO pin on the adapter.
Make sure you don’t touch any other pins.
Let’s try to read again.
If all the pins are touching correctly the board now, we should read the immo data.
This may take about 10 minutes……
Reading success.
Save the data file.
Disconnect all the 12 volts & VVDI PROG, let’s connect to VVDI2.
Open VVDI2 software,
Key learn >> MQB platform instrument immobilizer >> Instrument with locked NEC35xx(MQB48, VDO/JCI)
Decode immo data >> Yes >> Upload the saved file
Press OK to save MQB48 immo data file.
Now you’ve successfully got the MQB immo file, it can be used for key adding.