Xhorse VVDI Prog vs Multi Prog

What’s the difference between Xhorse VVDI Prog and 2nd generation Multi Prog?

Check the table comparison below:

Item Xhorse Multi Prog


Xhorse VVDI Prog

Vvdi Prog

Update Update online, no annual fee Update online, no annual fee
MEDC17 Clone Function Yes Yes
Read, write and clone ECU Yes Yes
Read, write MCU Yes Yes
Read, write and clone Gearbox TCU Yes No
Read ISN Yes Yes
Write ISN Yes No
MQB48 License Yes, free MQB48 license Need to purchase MQB48 license separately
Supports Checksum correction Yes No
Support Flexible Extension of 3rd party plug-in Yes No
Batch programming function Yes No
Data comparison Yes No

In sum:

Xhorse multi prog will clone ECU, vvdi prog only read and write.

Multiprog will read, write and clone gearbox TCU, vvdiprog does not.

Multi prog will read and write ISN, VVDI Prog only read, cannot write.

Multi-prog will correct checksum, vvdi prog will not.

Multiprog comes with free MQB48 license (combine vvdi2 to enable it), vvdi prog need to pay license separately.

Multi-prog supports batch chip reading and data comparison, vvdi prog does not.


Read also:

How to Install Xhorse Multi Prog Software Driver?