Can I Generate VVDI Super Chip with Autel KM100?


I tried to generate xhorse super chip xt27 with Autel KM100. but failed. Can I Generate VVDI Super Chip with Autel KM100?

Vvdi Super Chip


Autel KM100 will not generate Xhorse chips or KEYDY directly.

To generate xhorse xt27 super chip with KM100, you need to generate xt27 to Hitag-2 blank chip. Then move xt27 to Autel KM100 and you can generate it as other chips, i.e ID48 Megamos.

 With Xhorse you can generate same super chip over and over. With Autel you can only generate or clone super chip xt27 chip once. After that you must reset chip in Xhorse then can reuse in Autel. 

1. First I need to generate Xhorse XT27 superchip on Xhorse VVDI Key Tool, like Htag-2?
2. And after this i need to move XT27 to Autel KT100 and i can generate it as ID48-Megamos for example?


Xhorse does not generate Keydy chips or vice versa.