Xhorse XDNP82 MQB Adapter Still Asks to Solder RESET Point?


Try to read VW MQB48 NEC35XX D70F3529 cluster with vvdi key tool plus and XNDP82 MQB solder free adapter, but the wiring still requires to solder RESET pin. Any idea?

Xhorse XDNP82 Solder Free Adapter 1

Because the reset point of this instrument is quite special, you need to use a wire to connect the adapter and the reset point of the instrument. Remember to stick insulating tape under the reset pin of the adapter.

Insulate the area under the RESET pin with insulating tape, then connect solder point A to the RESET pin with a wire, because the RESET via does not exist.

Xhorse XDNP82 Solder Free Adapter 2

Xhorse XDNP82 Solder Free Adapter 3