Here is the useful tips to program old Mercedes Benz W210 0D53J all keys lost.
For example a Mecedes E class W210 2.9 Diesel year 1996 with all keys lost. Immo is 210 820 32 26 5WK 688 MCU is 0D53J.
First we need to find what Immo system do we have.
On this type of car you can have two Immobiliser systems DAS and DAS2. DAS is only IR and DAS2 is IR plus Transponder.
On W210 if it is DAS than immo box is in the passenger’s footwell and if it is DAS2 immo box is behind instrument cluster (need cluster removal and under sound isolation).
So,now you need to read Immo box (if you want IR to work).Inside is 68HC05X32 it can have few masks (mine was 0D53J) but procedure for reading is same.I removed MCU from Immo box and soldered it to Xprog adapter and read it without problem.
Now we have dump from what we need to calculate keys EEProm file/s. You can calculate 8 keys and for calculation you can use “DAS2Calc” or “Effi”.
Now open key/s and find EEProm 93C46 and write dump that you have calculate (most people use higher number keys (6,7…)).
We have now solve IR part but will need synchronisation on car.To synchro close all doors and press remote button 2 times pointing remote to roof (where green and red lights are).
We still can not start a car (only if it is DAS2 system) because we need transponder chip.
I have use PCF7935 and Xhorse VVDI mini key tool: Generate transponder-Benz-ID33 E-Class. After that just gave ignition on with programmed key/s and it should start a car but for some reason it did not I have try and try…
Than I take 2x VVDI Super Chip XT27A and give a try and voila car started. I have also noticed that when you try to start a car with other key sometimes you need to first lock unlock and than will start a car.
For IR part I have used old used (from junkyard) 2 keys.
If you want to buy key shell/housing so you keys look like new bear in mind that there is 2 version of keys (DAS and DAS2) with place for transponder and without place for transponder )I have successfully put transponder in DAS key but it will need some grinding and gluing.